Trust Issues in Business: A Personal Reflection
Hello everyone,
Today, I want to delve into a topic that's been on my mind quite a bit: trust in business. It’s a subject that's both deeply personal and universally relevant for anyone navigating the entrepreneurial world. If you're in business or on an entrepreneurial journey, I hope my reflections resonate with you and perhaps provide some valuable insights.
Firstly, welcome back to my ongoing journey, where I've committed to daily vlogging while attempting the ultimate ultramarathon barefoot around the world to save the lives of children. Your support by subscribing, sharing, liking, and commenting makes a tremendous difference.
Now, onto the topic at hand. Trust in business is an essential component, but it's also one that I've seen erode significantly over the years. Reflecting on my business career, the number of times trust has been shattered is, frankly, unsettling. The repercussions of broken trust can be catastrophic—lost businesses, severed partnerships, financial loss, estrangement from customers, and missed opportunities. Scarily, I don’t think my experiences are unique. It seems we've moved away from a time when a person’s word was truly their bond to an environment rife with dishonesty and self-interest.
Taking a step back to my late grandmother’s era, trust was almost a given. Communities were tightly-knit, and the trust was so pervasive that people would leave their doors open, confident that neighbours would respect their space. As generations progressed, these dynamics shifted drastically. My parents’ generation, though still relatively trusting, started to witness the emergence of deceit. Reaching my generation, the situation has worsened; it feels like people can’t betray trust quickly enough.
Technological advancements, while offering enormous opportunities, have also facilitated new avenues for scams and fraud. The digital age has made it easier to deceive and harder to maintain that sense of community trust. This has definitely affected my outlook; every passing year makes me more sceptical of people's intentions.
Recently, my team—who I consider my extended family—faced a betrayal. One team member, someone we've bent over backward to help, chose to share customer information with our competition for a quick buck. This was disheartening and brought home a crucial point: often, money is the catalyst behind such betrayals. People are swayed by short-term gains, ignoring the long-term collateral damage their actions inflict.
I’ll admit, I’ve made my share of mistakes and faced temptations. But at the end of the day, my values define me. Integrity, moral standards, and trust are non-negotiable. Without these, one loses a sense of self—becoming a shell devoid of true character.
When I think of the numerous interactions over the years—with business partners, contractors, staff, and other companies—it's challenging to find a single instance where trust hasn't been compromised. This ongoing erosion makes me fear for future generations, who might face even greater challenges in finding trustworthy relations.
If there’s one major takeaway from my experiences, it’s the absolute necessity of contingency planning and preparing for the worst-case scenarios. It's sad to say, but without such planning, one is almost doomed to encounter betrayal at some point. The reality that people can intentionally cause substantial harm for their gain is the hardest part to swallow.
While this reflection might seem bleak, it's important to remain mindful and prepared. Trust must be earned and, once lost, is incredibly hard to regain. Moving forward, always approach new relationships—be it partners, colleagues, or collaborators—with eyes wide open. Have backup plans in case things go awry.
To wrap up, trust is sacred and should be treated as such. If you're about to start a business journey or embark on any new life endeavour, remember that trust should never be given lightly. It must be earned and, once given, safeguarded.
As always, if you have any questions or comments, please drop me a line. I respond to everyone. Remember, by supporting my mission through subscribes, shares, likes, and comments, we are collectively saving children's lives. Stay positive, stay happy, even when faced with broken trust.
See you tomorrow!