The ZOE App Testing Experience: A Personal Journey
Welcome back to another instalment of my journey as an ultra-running entrepreneur. Today marks consecutive day 1551 of my quest to save children's lives by attempting the ultimate ultra marathon and run vlogging every single day—all in barefoot style, circling the globe. If you believe in this mission, I urge you to subscribe, share, like, and comment. The more people we reach, the more money we raise, and ultimately, the more children's lives we save. Thank you for being part of this journey.
What Is the ZOE App?
Today, I want to talk about the ZOE App—a health app that uses scientific data and personalized testing to help you make better health decisions. It's a fascinating service that provides out-of-the-box testing equipment for home use. You perform several tests and send the samples back for analysis. The app then offers personalized guidance on what to eat and how to improve your health based on scientific data specific to your body.
The cost is £300 for the testing kit and £25 per month thereafter. You can subscribe for as little as four months or an entire year. If you commit to a year, you'll be redoing tests every four months to keep track of any changes in your body.
Testing Day: My Experience
The day I received my ZOE testing kit was quite intense. After subscribing, I got access to the app, which only becomes functional once you receive your kit. The app guides you through the testing process with impressive detail and clarity.
The first step was attaching a blood sugar sensor to my arm the day before testing. It’s a tiny needle that pierces the skin and records blood sugar levels. You have to scan it every eight hours to upload the data into a sister app. This sensor remains for two weeks to capture detailed information on your blood glucose levels.
After attaching the sensor, I had to fast for eight hours before starting the actual testing day. The day involved a series of both fascinating and grueling tests: a blood test, a stool test, and consuming some rather unusual "gut-related" cookies that track how long it takes for food to journey through my digestive system.
What made the day particularly challenging was the dietary restrictions. I was only allowed water, black coffee, black tea, or possibly green tea between a rather unusual breakfast and lunch. Breakfast and lunch both consisted of these massive cookies packed with sugar and fat. For lunch, the cookies were dyed a luminous blue to track how long they took to reappear in my stools.
The Intricacies of the Tests
The blood test required a bit of courage. It involved pressing a device against my arm for four seconds until it pierced the skin to fill a small test tube. I admit, I felt a bit faint and woozy—all the more challenging considering I had to perform the procedure myself. Normally, a nurse would handle this during a routine medical cheque-up, making it much less daunting. But there I was, either left to do it myself or have my dear wife help me—someone I'm not entirely sure would use the same level of caution, though equally competent in her way.
Despite these challenges, the worst part was simply the anticipation. Once I got past that, it didn't hurt much. Think of the sensation as a dull ache akin to the bruising feeling after an injection.
What’s Next?
With all the samples sent off, I'm now waiting for the results. Meanwhile, I'll continue to monitor my blood sugar with the sensor and start a food diary. I also have to keenly wait for the blue-stool phenomenon—an interesting, albeit odd, task.
The ZOE app claims to bring revolutionary insights into your personal health, and my initial impressions have been positive. The process is thorough, the app is slick, and the guidance is notably detailed and professional. The hardest part is overcoming the mental hurdles associated with self-administered tests, something the app designers have tried to make as user-friendly and painless as possible.
If you're considering the ZOE app, be prepared for a bit of a challenging but enlightening journey. The level of detail and care they've put into the entire process certainly instils confidence. Whether this will be a game-changer for my health remains to be seen, but so far, I'm impressed and cautiously optimistic.
As always, if you have questions or need further details, feel free to drop me a line. I respond to everyone. And don’t forget to support my mission by subscribing, sharing, liking, and commenting. The more people we reach, the more children's lives we save.
Stay positive, stay happy, and I'll see you again tomorrow.
- Kevin, The Ultra-running Entrepreneur