The Power of Wind: Running in 35 to 40 Mile an Hour Gusts
A Personal Account from Kevin Brittain
Welcome back, dear readers! Today, I want to share a harrowing experience with you. Imagine running against 35 to 40 mile an hour gusts of wind. Sounds pretty intense, right? Trust me, it’s a lot more challenging than it sounds. Keep reading as I take you through this exhilarating yet strenuous run.
Consecutive Day, 1638: The Struggle is Real
Before I dive into today’s ordeal, let me remind you of my mission. On consecutive day 1638 of my run vlogging adventure, I continue to save the lives of children by attempting the ultimate ultramarathon – vlogging every single day, barefoot, around the world. If you believe in this mission, do consider subscribing, sharing, liking, and commenting. The more people we reach, the more lives we can save. Every bit of support counts, and I am grateful for it.
Battling the Elements
Now, let’s get to today’s topic. Today, I'm running amidst 35 to 40 mile an hour gusts of wind. This is not just a fleeting breeze; the wind is consistently powerful, occasionally even stronger. The sound itself is horrendous, a constant reminder of the formidable force pitted against me.
So, how do I know just how powerful this wind is? Picture this: I have four bin stores at homemade of pallet wood, each housing four wheelie bins full of rubbish. These bin stores are heavy, incredibly heavy – it takes three to four people to move them. Yet, overnight, the wind blew them over effortlessly. To put this in perspective, the combined weight of these bin stores, including the bins filled with rubbish, is around 250 kilogrammes. And the wind toppled them like Dominos. That’s the kind of wind I’m up against today.
The Literal Push and Pull
You can probably see the struggle in my video – constantly veering off to the right, then pushing back to the left. I'm a fully grown man being manhandled by the wind, a truly surreal experience. This isn’t just about trying to stay on the road; it’s about survival.
The purpose of today’s vlog is to illustrate just how potent and dangerous these wind gusts can be. When wind speeds reach 35 to 40 miles an hour, it’s a force to be reckoned with. Trust me, if the wind can blow over bin stores weighing approximately four times my weight, imagine what it could do to a runner or any individual caught off guard.
Key Takeaways and Safety Tips
So, what’s the takeaway from my diary entry today? If you see wind gusts reaching this speed, seriously consider staying indoors. Even if you’re a seasoned runner like me, the risks are immense. Use weather apps to check wind speeds beforehand – anything exceeding 25 miles an hour should make you think twice. And if you must run, meticulously plan your route to avoid busy roads, ditches, rivers, or any other hazards.
The wind is a powerful and often underestimated force of nature. Don’t take it lightly, for it can catch you off guard and pose serious risks.
Final Thoughts
I hope my experience resonates with you and serves as a cautionary tale. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line. I respond to everyone. And remember, if you believe in my mission of saving children's lives through this incredible journey of run vlogging, please subscribe, share, like, and comment. Together, we can make a difference.
Thank you for your unwavering support. As always, stay positive, stay happy, and I'll see you again tomorrow.
Kevin Brittain