The Power of Collaboration: Collaboration Within Collaboration
Welcome back, everyone! Today marks consecutive day 1586 of my Runpreneur journey. For those who are new, my mission is to save the lives of children by undertaking the ultimate ultra marathon of run vlogging every day, covering a distance equivalent to a lap of the world, barefoot. If you resonate with my vision, please subscribe, share, like, and comment. The more people we reach, the more funds we raise, which translates to more children's lives saved. Enough about that – let’s get into today's topic: the power of collaboration within collaboration.
Initially, the title may sound a bit perplexing, but bear with me, and it will all start to make sense. As an entrepreneur, particularly in the property sector, I have learnt that success is often a team effort. Think about purchasing a house, for example – it’s not just a transaction between the buyer and seller. You've got solicitors on both sides, finance brokers if a mortgage is involved, estate agents, insurance brokers, and sometimes even contractors for renovations.
Usually, these stakeholders function independently, each focusing on their respective roles. However, what you often find is that you are dependant on these various entities working harmoniously together. This doesn't always go smoothly, especially when time-sensitive deals are on the line. Everyone must understand each other's working style to make the process efficient. The lack of synchronisation can often be the difference between a deal going through or falling apart.
Recently, I had a eureka moment during a meeting with an accountant and a finance broker. These individuals were recommended to me by another entrepreneur who had faced similar challenges. What struck me the most is that these two professionals knew each other well and had already worked together on various projects.
This pre-existing relationship offers a significant advantage. In my current setup, my accountant doesn’t know my mortgage broker or my solicitor, which often leads to delays as they figure out how to work together. Now, imagine replacing that scenario with a team that’s already in sync. When your accountant and finance broker already collaborate, tasks like submitting tax returns and corporate accounts become more streamlined. Decisions can be expedited, often requiring just a simple sign-off from me.
So, what’s the main takeaway here? We all need a "power team" in our lives. This could be your friendship group, family, or business network. The most effective power teams are those that already collaborate well. If you can find professionals who have worked together in the past and meet your criteria for quality, it can supercharge your partnerships and collaborations.
Don’t get me wrong, selecting your team should not involve cutting corners. Make sure they are competent and fit your needs. However, if they already have a good working relationship, it's like finding a hidden treasure. These partnerships can be game-changing, significantly impacting your efficiency and outcomes.
I hope you find these insights valuable. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line. I’ll make sure to respond to everyone. Once again, if you believe in my mission of saving children’s lives through this ultra marathon journey, give this a subscribed, share, like, and comment.
Thank you, stay positive, and stay happy. Catch you all tomorrow!
Kevin Brittain