The Correlation Between Decisiveness and Impulsiveness:
A Personal Journey
Welcome back to another insightful entry in the Diary of a Runpreneur. As I lace up my running shoes for consecutive day 1,603 of my daily ultra marathon, I'm reflecting on a topic close to my heart: the delicate balance between decisiveness and impulsiveness. This subject has a particular relevance for me, considering my battle with ADHD, which often leads me to impulsive decisions. The debate on whether these decisions are beneficial or detrimental is what I want to delve into today.
Firstly, let's get some context. My mission through this ultra marathon journey is to save the lives of children worldwide. The more people we reach, the more funds we raise, and consequently, the more children we help. This mission drives my every step, every single day. So, if you believe in this cause, I urge you to subscribe, share, and engage with this content. Your support makes a tangible difference.
Decisiveness is a trait I've always regarded highly. Making decisions and taking action is far better than the stagnation of indecision. I firmly believe that life is a journey where you're either moving forward or sliding backward. Decisions, right or wrong, keep us on a path of progression. Even bad decisions often lead to opportunities for correction, creating new decision points that guide us back on track. On the other hand, indecision can be paralysing, causing us to miss opportunities and potentially regress from our goals.
However, decisiveness can sometimes blur into impulsiveness, especially for someone like me who grapples with ADHD. Impulsiveness is making rapid decisions without sufficient thought or information—a trait that has both benefits and pitfalls. Today, I experienced a moment that perfectly illustrates this fine line between being decisive and being impulsive.
After enjoying a lovely Sunday roast with my family, we wandered into a boutique sofa shop my wife adores. We've been talking about upgrading our snug and spare bedroom sofas for some time. The current furniture serves its purpose well enough, but we've always envisioned something a bit more comfortable and accommodating.
While in the shop, the impulsive side of me took over. My wife had already done her homework—measuring, checking, and comparing options. Yet, it was my sudden decision that tipped the scale. "Let's not procrastinate," I thought. "These sofas would be perfect before Christmas." I quickly negotiated a 10% discount for the snug sofa. Not stopping there, I asked about a deal for a sofa bed as well. Before I knew it, we had a 20% discount on the entire purchase.
At first glance, this seemed like a win. We saved a significant amount and managed to upgrade two pieces of furniture in one go. My quick mental maths indicated that financing this purchase over time with 0% interest would make sense, especially when considered against the returns from my investment strategy. It felt like a decisive, well-justified decision.
However, as I reflect, I realise we didn't desperately need either item. Both existing pieces serve their functions just fine. My decision, though seemingly rationalised by a sense of urgency and the allure of a good deal, was undeniably impulsive. In hindsight, a more balanced approach would have involved giving myself 24 hours to mull it over, ensuring I wasn't making an impulsive purchase.
Decisiveness is essential, but it must be tempered with due diligence. Impulsiveness often masquerades as decisiveness, especially under the guise of urgency. Today, my impulsive decision may turn out well, but it could have easily gone the other way.
The key takeaway here is that while decisiveness drives us forward, we must be cautious not to let impulsiveness hijack our better judgement. Time to think and gather facts is not procrastination; it is part of a well-rounded decision-making process. The goal should always be to make informed, considered decisions, even if that means allowing ourselves a deadline to ensure we're not acting on a whim.
Thank you for sharing this reflective journey with me. As always, if you have any questions or thoughts, feel free to drop me a line. Remember, your support is crucial for my mission to save children's lives through this ultra marathon journey. Subscribe, share, and engage with our content to help us make a more significant impact.
Stay positive, stay happy, and I'll see you on the next run.
-Kevin Brittain