Night Run Remedy: A Surprising Solution to Sluggish Days
Today, let's talk about something I’m calling the Night Run Remedy. Ever had one of those days when you just feel absolutely under the weather? I know I have. This morning, I woke up feeling sluggish, heady, and just generally off. As we inch closer to December, a time filled with colds and bugs flying about, it isn't unusual to hit these rough patches. But have you ever considered a night run as a remedy?
After pushing my run back almost all day, I found myself heading out well past 11 p.m. It was, no doubt, a grind, but I knew I had to squeeze in my run for the day. To my surprise, this night run turned out to be just what I needed.
Picture this: it’s minus 1 degree outside, incredibly cold but also crisp. There’s not much wind or breeze, which makes the air feel even more refreshing. The moment I started running, I wasn't particularly enthusiastic. I wondered if this was even a good idea. But as I warmed up and settled into the run, a surprising thing happened. That pounding headache I had been carrying around all day started to fade. The crisp, cold air seemed to clear my head. Despite the chills, once my body adjusted to the temperature, I felt significantly better.
From my personal experience, a night run acts like a reset button. If you're a regular runner and having an off day or feeling under the weather, this might just be worth considering. It's not your typical remedy for a headache, and it could even be argued that when you're feeling poorly, the best advice is always to get some rest or consult a doctor. However, for those times when you feel up to trying something different to clear a lingering headache or sluggish feeling, a gentle night run or brisk walk in the cold air might do the trick.
Remember, it’s important to listen to your body and do what feels right for you. This isn't about pushing yourself if you're genuinely unwell; it's about finding a potential solution that might help when a typical rest day just doesn’t cut it.
I hope some of you find this useful. Thank you, as always, for your support. Stay positive, stay happy, and see you all again tomorrow.
Kevin Brittain