How Much Stress Can YOU Handle Before Breakdown?
Hello, dear readers! It's another day, and today I want to talk about a topic that hits close to home for many of us: stress. More specifically, how much stress someone can take before they reach a breaking point. If you're someone with a busy, stressful life that often feels overwhelming, then keep reading. My experiences and insights might just be helpful for you.
Welcome back to consecutive day 1640 of Diary of a Runpreneur! If you believe in my mission of saving the lives of children by attempting the ultimate ultra marathon of run vlogging on consecutive days—barefoot style, no less!—then do give this blog a share, like, or comment. The more people we reach, the more money we raise, and the more children's lives we save. That's my driving force every single day. Thank you as always, and let's dive in.
The Challenge of Stress
Today's topic is something deeply personal to me because the last month in my entrepreneurial journey has been extremely challenging, despite our business doing very well. We've had to contend with some really tough operational difficulties. These problems are not due to any fault of our own; they're external factors that have thrown a wrench in our business operations.
Dealing with these issues isn't so much the problem as is the chaos and difficulties they bring on a daily basis. If you're an entrepreneur, you know that this lifestyle means constantly juggling multiple roles and responsibilities, often simultaneously. I've been navigating through this while also dealing with our stakeholders, investors, suppliers, landlords, and customers. It's a lot, and it has taken quite a toll on my mental and physical well-being.
Meeting Chaos With Resilience
Every day feels like a new challenge, requiring swift, reactive actions to keep things from falling apart. To add to this, there's always the pressure of maintaining trust with our customers. Trust is built over years, but can be shaken in a moment of crisis. Keeping disruptions minimal while managing clients' expectations is not easy, and it leaves you exhausted at the end of the day.
Stress affects not just the individual, but also people around you—your family, your friends. It creates a sort of rain cloud over your personal life, which is incredibly unfair to those who care about you.
Strategies for Coping
Reflecting on this, I realised that awareness is the first step in managing stress. Being aware of your limits and recognising the signs when things are getting too much is vital. Here’s how I’ve tried to manage these high-stress times:
The OCHE Acronym: I created a simple acronym to help me manage stress—OCHI.
O for Opportunity
Look at every challenge as an opportunity to grow. This shifts your mindset positively.
C for Control
Focus on what you can control and let go of what you can't. This has been especially crucial for me.
H for Have a Plan
Once you know what you can control, create a plan to address these areas.
E for Emotion
Keep emotions to a minimum. Panicking or getting overly emotional rarely helps and often makes the situation worse.
Mindfulness Practices: I’ve started incorporating mindfulness activities into my daily routine. Focusing on my breathing and taking reflective pauses helps keep me grounded. Modern technology offers plenty of apps that assist with this, which can be a lifesaver.
Health Monitoring: Taking regular stock of your emotional and mental health provides trends and insights that can alert you to any negative patterns before they cause more significant issues. This helps in maintaining a preventive approach rather than a reactive one.
Implementing these strategies won’t solve your problems overnight. They won't magically make everything better, but they do offer a pathway, a way to manage and control your stress levels and keep your mental health in check. Remember, if you hit a mental breakdown, recovering from it while still managing everything else can become incredibly challenging.
I hope you’ve found this useful. It certainly helps me to share these experiences and strategies. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to drop me a line. I'll respond to everyone.
And once again, if you believe in my mission of saving the lives of children through my ultra marathon run vlogging, please subscribe, share, like, and comment. The more people we can reach, the more children’s lives we can help save. Thanks for staying connected, stay positive, stay happy, and I’ll see you next time!