Facing Problems Head-On:
Why Running Away Isn’t the Answer
Greetings, everyone. Today, I want to discuss a topic that resonates with nearly all of us — dealing with problems. If you’re someone who hates facing issues and tends to avoid them at any cost, I urge you to keep reading because this might just be the eye-opener you need.
The Mission Behind the Message
Before diving into today’s topic, let me remind you why I’m here. I’m on a mission to save the lives of children by attempting the ultimate ultra marathon: running while vlogging daily, barefoot, on consecutive days. If this mission speaks to you, please subscribe, share, like, and comment. Your support helps us reach more people, raise more money, and save more children's lives.
Why Avoiding Problems is a Bad Idea
We all have problems, issues, challenges — whatever you choose to call them. Ignoring these problems or burying your head in the sand almost never results in a positive outcome. I’ve had my fair share of issues over the years, and I can honestly say that running away has rarely benefited me. In fact, I can only think of one instance where avoiding a problem ended well for me, and even then, it didn’t sit right morally.
A Recent Experience
The inspiration for today’s episode came from a challenging conversation I had recently. I had some building work done, and there was a significant discrepancy between the quoted price and the final invoice. This situation could have easily turned into a prolonged dispute. However, by tackling the issue head-on and being open to communication, we reached an amicable agreement.
The Importance of Communication
This brings me to the core of today’s message: the importance of facing your problems head-on through honest communication. When you communicate with integrity and transparency, you lay the foundation for a positive outcome. People respect honesty, and this mutual respect can lead to stronger, better relationships even when you’re dealing with adversity.
A Lesson from the Past
There’s one particular scenario from my past where not engaging initially seemed to benefit me. An ex-business partner essentially left me with substantial debt that I wasn’t even aware of. I tried communicating with the affected party but could not resolve it due to my poor financial situation at the time. Over the years, this debt faded into the background, but it’s something that has never sat right with me.
Just today, while recording this episode, I remembered that debt. And I’ve pledged to reach out and settle it because it aligns with my values and how I choose to conduct my life.
The Big Takeaway
In life, we all face problems. How we choose to deal with them can make a world of difference. If you communicate with respect, honesty, and integrity, you'll likely find a solution that both parties can accept. Avoiding problems only leads to stress, anxiety, and tension, whereas confronting them head-on often results in relief and a positive outcome.
So, the next time you’re faced with an issue, remember to engage in honest and transparent communication. It’s a simple yet incredibly effective way to resolve problems and build respect.
Final Thoughts
I hope you found this discussion useful. If you have any questions or comments, please drop me a line; I promise to respond to everyone. And once again, if you believe in my mission of saving the lives of children through my ultra marathon of daily barefoot vlogging, please subscribe, share, like, and comment.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. Stay positive, stay happy, and I’ll see you again tomorrow.
Best, Kevin Brittain